1st Formula 1 by Ayrton Senna prepares to go to auction


Ayrton Senna, if he were still alive, would have turned (yesterday) 52 years old, and maybe that's why the English from Silverstone Auctions announced the auction of the Toleman TG184-2, the first formula 1 in Senna's career.

This single-seater is a “piece” of Ayrton Senna's and Formula 1's history, proof of this is the fact that many still remember with nostalgia winning 2nd place at the 1984 Monaco GP in their debut season in F1.

Toleman TG184-2

The Toleman TG184-2 had one of the best chassis at the time, as the weak Hart415T engine did not keep up with the size of the chassis, ending up being responsible for four of the eight abandonments in the season.

This relic will be offered for sale as part of the “Spring Sales” auction promoted by the “Silverstone Auction”, after having been resting for 16 years in a private collection. Nick Whaler, director of Silverstone Auctions, said they were “excited to bring this iconic single-seater up for auction as it is arguably one of the most important lots we've ever put up for sale. This will undoubtedly be the star of the auction, as it is a very rare opportunity to own a unique piece in the history of motorsport, from one of the best drivers ever”.

Toleman TG184-2

Silverstone Auctions has not set any initial value, but bids below 375,000 euros are not expected, as the helmet used by the Brazilian was recently sold for 90,000 euros and his overalls for 32,000 euros.

The auction is scheduled for the next 16th of May in England, and if you happen to have an enviable bank account, here is an excellent opportunity to spend some “changes”.

Source: Jalopnik Br

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