The three million euro Mercedes-AMG Project One


It is true, there is a lucky Portuguese man who will have a Mercedes-AMG Project One in his garage in Portugal. However, the acquisition process was far from being limited to the financial availability of three million euros.

Even before the first “meeting”, there was a pre-selection of candidates made by Mercedes-Benz Portugal, to which was added the list of requirements from Mercedes-AMG itself, which allocated only one unit of the Project One supercar to Portugal.

If, in order to have the most “common” Mercedes-AMG, it is enough to open the purse strings, to gain access to the most exclusive and limited of the AMG, it is necessary to have a profile, also very special, capable of complying with strict selection criteria.

Mercedes-AMG Project One


Well then, the three million euros were not enough. In addition to them, it was necessary to ensure that the purchase was not only motivated by the potential, and undeniable, short-term appreciation.

Someone with a solid relationship with the brand, and with considerable automotive heritage, irrespective of the emblem, was needed in order to ensure the model's true interest for collection.

Discretion was one of the requirements, preserved even today by the northern businessman, who maintains anonymity. She was joined by passion, confirmed by her current automobile collection. And let's face it that only passion can make someone pay the astronomical sum and wait for more than a year for it to be acquired.

In addition, the potential for purchasing future Mercedes-AMG vehicles and the customer's longevity were also taken into account. But what will prompt someone to buy another Mercedes-AMG after having a Project One? I know… I need a more practical car to go shopping…

amg project-one

the first meeting

In March 2017, the first meeting promoted by Mercedes-AMG took place in the outskirts of Geneva, Switzerland. At the entrance, the pre-selected Portuguese, the seller of Sociedade Comercial C.Santos, and everyone else, had to leave their watch and mobile phone. The meeting served to share the first details of the Mercedes-AMG hypersport, a model with a lot of Formula 1 technology and within the reach of very few, limited to just 275 units. It was in this way that the brand guaranteed the minimum risk of espionage.

Between the intention to purchase the model launched to commemorate 50 years of AMG, and the phase in which it became the only Portuguese selected to acquire the vehicle, even before it was born, there was a game of patience that lasted almost half a year.

It was at this ceremony that potential customers of different nationalities got to know, for the first time, most of the technical details of the then still prototype, as well as its final shapes, with the exception of the cockpit, which was still under design, and how much, after all, would they have to spend to acquire it, if they were even selected.

The signature

Only in August 2017, the Portuguese customer was sure that he would be the only owner of the Mercedes-AMG Project One in national territory, five months after being invited by AMG Portugal to travel to Geneva.

With the selection process completed, the customer finally received the news he had been waiting for, signing a commitment to buy and sell the car, far from the final purchase contract, where the guarantee deposit was transacted.

It is not known what the value of the "guarantee sign" is, but it is possible to imagine...

Guaranteed business, the Mercedes-AMG Project One will even run on national asphalt by 2019, or 2020…

the last ceremony

The next step was taken a month later, in September, at the Frankfurt International Motor Show, where the Mercedes-AMG Project One was officially unveiled, a ceremony for which all customers who purchased a unit of the fastest Mercedes ever were invited.

It was at this time that, at a private event and with the presence of the highest positions at Mercedes-AMG, the future owners were able to learn more about the project's details and curiosities, as well as learn about exclusive digital access to privileged information about the progress of the project. production and development of the specific numbered unit they had acquired.

Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes-AMG Project ONE

In addition to 1000 hp

Acquisitions like this are not just about buying a car. In addition to exclusive and secret meetings and events, each owner is naturally treated in a special way.

An iconic and exclusive numbered crystal piece, whose shape hides the Project One design, was also given to each of the selected ones, as well as a box, with "foam", where each owner was asked to trace their hand, in a a gesture whose purpose is unknown for the time being, but which will certainly give rise to something truly unique and personal.

Special customization

All the details about the most desired Mercedes-AMG hypersports car have not yet been revealed, but it is known that the customization options boil down to the color, available from a small number of options.

As hyper-sportsman that it is, and that should suit its owner perfectly, it is certain, however, that each one will have to travel to the factory, to mold the bacquet to their own needs, as happens in a Formula 1 car — in fact, it is in the factory of the brand's Formula 1 models that Project One will be built.

Mercedes-AMG Project One


It could only be like that, in an exceptional car, which will have all the copies identified with the inscription "1/275" , in the way that Mercedes-AMG found to maintain equality between all customers who bought this dream car and avoid price speculation, a day later, when Project One can be sold.

It remains now to wait for 2019 or 2020 , when the Mercedes-AMG will deliver the only “Portuguese” Project One , in the place chosen by its owner.

Mercedes-AMG Project One

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