Cabify: after all taxi drivers intend to stop Uber's competitor


The Portuguese Taxi Federation (FPT) and ANTRAL are against the entry of Cabify in Portugal. An application that according to Carlos Ramos, President of the FPT, is just a “smaller Uber” and as such “will operate illegally”.

The controversy between Uber and taxis is now joined by Cabify, a transport services company that operates in 18 cities in five countries and arrives in Portugal next Wednesday (11th May).

Speaking to Razão Automóvel and after more information about Cabify was disclosed, the president of the FPT, Carlos Ramos, reconsidered his position. The official considers that this company "is a smaller Uber" and therefore will "operate illegally". The Federation's spokesman also revealed that "the FPT expects the intervention of the Government or the Parliament, but also a response from the Justice". Carlos Ramos does not ignore that there are some problems in the service provided by taxis, but that they are not “illegal platforms” that will solve them.

Carlos Ramos also considers that "it is necessary to readjust the supply of transport services to demand" and that "the trend towards liberalization in the sector will harm those who are already operating, so that others can enter with less restrictions".

The President of ANTRAL (National Association of Road Transport in Light Vehicles), Florêncio de Almeida, in statements to the Observer, admitted that they will go to court to prevent Cabify from operating in Portugal. “I see this with concern, as I see Uber and others that will appear. It's not just these. Either this is regulated or it becomes an infernal competition”, he said.

For Florêncio de Almeida, Cabify's intention to distribute services to taxi drivers only serves to “cover up”, since they “cannot work with legal and illegal ones”. Thus, the president of ANTRAL says that the only solution is to legalize the service, forcing the Spanish company to pay the same licenses and permits that pay for taxis.

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On the other hand, Uber claims that the entry of a new competitor in the market is positive. "The existence of competition and alternatives in the way we move from point A to point B in cities is something that we see as very positive for consumers and for Portuguese cities", commented the general director of Uber in Portugal, Rui Bento.

Razão Automóvel tried to contact Cabify, but it was not possible to obtain any statements until the time of publication of this news.

Text: Diogo Teixeira

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