Do the Portuguese prefer Uber or Taxi?


A study carried out by Eurosondagem asked more than a thousand Portuguese people, who revealed great satisfaction with the services provided by Uber.

Between the 25th and 27th of April, 1025 Portuguese were questioned and, given the results, there were no doubts: a large majority of residents in Lisbon and Porto like the Uber service and want the transport company to continue operating in Portugal,

After analyzing the data, it was concluded that of the 26.2% of respondents who had already tried Uber's services, 94.1% rated their experience as 'Very Good' or 'Good'.

Regarding current legislation, 72.3% agree with the operation of platforms such as Uber in Portugal, 9.8% disagree with the existence of the service in Portugal and 17.9% do not know/don't answer.

As for the technological level, 87% of people from Lisbon and Porto believe that technology and innovation can improve with the use of technology and innovation.

Only 1% of respondents disagree that technology and innovation can improve mobility in Portugal.

via Live Money

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