How to preserve a BMW 7 Series (E38)? In a plastic bubble, of course


If you've always dreamed of owning a BMW 7 Series of the E38 generation but never had the opportunity, then the car we're talking about today is for you.

Available for auction on German eBay, this 1997 Series 7 is an authentic time capsule, presenting itself in immaculate condition and capable of making many new cars the envy of many.

The reason behind the fantastic state of conservation of this 23-year-old specimen is very simple: he was practically all his “life” literally inside a plastic bubble. (or capsule if you prefer), with mechanical air recirculation, and away from any elements that could damage it.

BMW 7 Series E38

Registered in 1997 by its first owner, an elderly woman born in 1927, it has since covered only 255 km. A short time later it ended up in Poland, where it was then preserved in this curious plastic bubble.

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Now this immaculate BMW 740i — 4.4 l naturally-aspirated V8, 286 hp and 420 Nm, five-speed automatic, rear-wheel drive — is on sale.

BMW 7 Series E38

Bidding is open until March 31st and, at the moment, as of the date of publication of this article, the price offered by this new BMW 7 Series (E38) is 55,049 euros , far less than the request for a freshly released copy of a current-generation 7-Series.

Having said that, do you think this is a good deal? Leave us your opinion in the comments box.

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