Cold Start. Personalized license plates with emojis? is it possible in australia


Despite being banned in Portugal (and in Europe in general), personalized license plates are a trend in many countries. An example of this are the personalized registrations we are talking about today, coming from the Australian state of Queensland.

There you can buy a personalized license plate with… an emoji . With only decorative effects, these emojis are not used to identify the car, nor do they appear in the register.

For the sake of… decency, only five emojis are allowed: the traditional smile, the wink, the emoji with hearts in their eyes, the emoji with sunglasses and the emoji that seems to be laughing out loud.

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With prices starting at $475 (Australian) — 294 euros — these personalized emoji license plates aren't the first concession to personal taste of Australian license plates. For some time now, residents of the state of Queensland have been able to put the symbol of a sports team or a city on the number plate.

Enrollments with Emoji

About the “Cold Start”. From Monday to Friday at Razão Automóvel, there is a “Cold Start” at 8:30 am. While you drink your coffee or gather the courage to start the day, keep up to date with interesting facts, historical facts and relevant videos from the automotive world. All in less than 200 words.

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