In full. The agreement between union and bosses that declared the end of the strike


If yesterday we reported fuel rationing at selected stations across the country, today we announce the end of the strike by drivers transporting hazardous materials.

The agreement between ANTRAM and the SNMMP (National Union of Drivers of Hazardous Materials) was reached this morning, after a 10-hour meeting, with the Government as mediator.

A renegotiation of the collective labor contract and recognition of the professional category were agreed, in negotiations to be mediated by the Government, with the first meeting to take place on April 29th.



FIRST: ANTRAM – National Association of Public Road Transport Goods, in this act represented by the President of the National Board, Gustavo Paulo Duarte;

SECOND: National Union of Drivers of Dangerous Matters in this act represented by President Francisco São Bento.


THE) The National Union of Drivers of Hazardous Materials recently presented, on March 28, a pre-notice of strike, by which it stated a set of claims before ANTRAM;

B) The strike in question, which began on April 15th, has caused very significant damage to the national economy, to all agents in the sector and, above all, to the population in general, jeopardizing their respective mobility, which is why which the Government issued an Energy Crisis Alert Status Statement; C) ANTRAM, in turn, is the most representative Employer Association of Public Road Transport of Goods, having recently signed a Collective Bargaining Agreement ("ACT") published in the Labor and Employment Bulletin No. 34, of September 15, 2018;

D) ANTRAM and the National Union of Dangerous Materials Drivers admit to starting a negotiation procedure with a view to the good regulation of labor relations between the employers represented by ANTRAM and the workers represented by the National Union of Dangerous Materials Drivers;

AND) the Government, in turn, taking into account the collective interest and the need to ensure the satisfaction of collective needs, agrees to follow the aforementioned negotiation procedure and create the necessary conditions for the parties to, in social peace and following the cancellation of the strike in force, achieve the desired results. this Negotiation Protocol is signed, which the parties undertake to comply with, in general terms of the principle of good faith, and which is governed by the following terms:


1.1. By this Protocol, the contracting parties undertake, with effect from the present date until December 31, 2019, to initiate a collective bargaining process, which promotes and dignifies the activity of dangerous goods driver, based on the ACT mentioned in recital C).

1.2. Collective bargaining should be based on the following valuation principles:

i. Individualization of the activity within the scope of the salary scale;

ii. Risk subsidy;

iii. Special training;

iv. Specific life insurance; and

v. Specific medical exams.

1.3. In order to ensure the start of negotiations, the National Union of Drivers of Dangerous Materials ceases, with immediate effect, the general strike of Drivers, currently in progress, which began on April 15, 2019.


2.1 . Negotiations will be conducted:

i. In representation of the National Union of Drivers of Dangerous Matters by its representatives, accredited for the purpose; and

ii. On behalf of the Association of Employers, by their representatives, accredited for this purpose.

2.2. With a view to monitoring the negotiations, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing will be represented by a mediator, whose mission will be to conduct the negotiations and act in order to promote the agreement of the parties.

2.3. During the negotiations, the Government will act to ensure that the respective services will intensify their activity of monitoring the sector within the freight transport sector, namely with regard to the existing collective labor regulation instruments.


The meetings will take place at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing, located in Lisbon, at Rua Barbosa du Bocage, nº 5.


4.1. Minutes are drawn up at each meeting, which will contain a reference to the matters discussed, the clauses that are the subject of an agreement in principle and the statements that each party requires to be included in the minutes and that must, whenever possible, be presented by written.

4.2. The minutes will be drawn up by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing and must be sent to the remaining parties within the next five days for the purposes of harmonizing the text.

4.3. Negotiation meetings begin with the reading, discussion and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting and their signature by the parties.

4.4. Two originals of each minute will be prepared, with one original being delivered to each party.


The parties undertake to act in good faith throughout the negotiation process, namely by responding as soon as possible to negotiation proposals and counterproposals.


6.1. During the negotiations, the parties must take into account and respect the agreements in principle that are being reached in each of the subjects discussed.

6.2. The agreements in principle relating to each of the matters discussed do not condition the possible non-existence of a global agreement accepted by the parties.


The parties undertake to maintain confidentiality as to the content of the negotiations, and their public disclosure, in addition to their disclosure to members, should only occur at the end of the negotiation process.


During the negotiations, the parties undertake to strive for the creation and maintenance of a climate of dialogue and social peace, maintaining dialogue as a way of resolving disputes or divergences between the parties until the end of the negotiations, excluding others forms of pressure, namely strikes or other forms that may jeopardize the satisfaction of indispensable social needs.

Lisbon, April 18, 2019

By the National Union of Dangerous Matters Drivers

By ANTRAM - National Association of Public Road Transport Goods

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