CTT acquires 400 'made in Portugal' vehicles


Bet on national products. It was one of the main reasons cited by CTT for choosing Peugeot Partner.

The commitment to a national product was one of the main reasons that led CTT to choose the Peugeot Partner as the car that will equip its new fleet, with a total of 400 units. An almost 100% Portuguese production – engine and boxes come from Vigo – coming from the PSA group unit in Mangualde.

O momento da entrega das primeiras unidades da Peugeot Partner que compõem a nova frota dos CTT | #peugeot #madeinmangualde #mangualde #fabrica #factory #peugeot #citroen #partner #new #razaoautomovel #portugal

Uma foto publicada por Razão Automóvel (@razaoautomovel) a

Every day, CTT delivers 5.6 million objects and its postmen travel 230 thousand kilometers. Therefore, in addition to choosing a national product, there was a concern to “put safer automobiles in the hands of CTT postmen”, said Hernâni Santos, operations and distribution director for the national post office. With this change in the fleet, CTT will also manage to reduce the ecological footprint of its activity.

Peugeot Partner Mangualde CTT-3

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