Clube Escape Livre takes classics to the Beiras


As last year, between June 21st and 23rd, the classics will tour the Beiras region. Organized by Clube Escape Livre, the Classic Cars Tour This year it travels through the municipalities of Fundão, Penamacor, Belmonte, Manteigas and Guarda.

Those who enroll in the Classic Cars Tour have two program options: Tourist Concentration or Historic Regularity. Those who opt for the first option will tour the region's landscapes and get to know the cultural heritage of the five municipalities, but at a more “calm” pace.

Those who opt for the second option, despite going through the same landscapes, will have a competition component along the road race (about 350 km) to which two slaloms will be added in the cities of Fundão and Guarda.

Classic Cars Tour

Applications have already opened

As in the last edition, this year the Classic Cars Tour once again counted on the experience and collaboration of Pedro Barbosa da Gama and António José Mocho. The program also includes an automobile parade on Saturday night (in Fundão) and the closing date is scheduled for 15:00 on June 23, at Hotel Lusitânia, in Guarda, with awards ceremony.

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However, registration for the Classic Cars Tour has already opened and can be made on the Clube Escape Livre website at, just to participate if you have a classic registered between January 1, 1946 and December 31, 1989.

This is a great opportunity for those in love with this type of vehicle to visit and get to know a bit of the region, and I believe they will want to return, as we want to do justice, with the partnership of these five municipalities, to the renowned Beira welcome.

Luís Celínio, president of Clube Escape Livre

So far, Clube Escape Livre has registered 28 entries, with nine teams coming from Spain and linked to the Museo de Historia de la Automocion de Salamanca. With a variable registration fee depending on the accommodation and meals option, until May 31 it is possible to register for a more affordable price.

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