Images. Hyundai autonomous semi-trailer successfully completes test


As revealed by Hyundai in a statement, the goal was achieved by a Hyundai Xcient truck, equipped with Level 3 autonomous driving systems.

This truck traveled, independently, about 40 kilometers of highway, between the towns of Uiwang and Incheon, in South Korea, accelerating, braking and orienting itself in traffic, without any human intervention.

The lorry, which towed a trailer, thus seeking to simulate the transport of goods, came to demonstrate the possibilities resulting from the application of autonomous driving technologies, in a heavy vehicle, but also to the commercial logistics sector.

Hyundai Xcient Autonomous Driving 2018

Hyundai also believes that it is possible, with this technology and its application, to reduce the number of road accidents that occur on the busiest roads, every year, due to human error.

This successful demonstration proves that innovative self-driving technology can be used to transform the commercial logistics sector. At this level of automation, the driver still controls the vehicle manually in some situations, but I believe we will reach automation level 4 quickly, as we have been making technological upgrades constantly.

Maik Ziegler, Director of Commercial Vehicle R&D Strategy at Hyundai Motor Company
Hyundai Xcient Autonomous Driving 2018

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