獨角獸 V3。這輛蘭博基尼 Huracán 不像其他的……



這款 Huracán 由 19 歲的 Youtuber Alex Choi 創建,現在被指定為 Unicorn V3,留下了“傳統”超級跑車的衣服,成為了著名的 Max Rockatansky 官方用車的絕佳人選,來自 Mad Max傳奇。

亮點?防滾架安裝在 Huracán 的……外部(!),就好像它是一個外骨骼。它並沒有停留在大膽的外觀上,610 馬力的自然吸氣 5.2 升 V10 發動機增加了兩個渦輪增壓器。完成後世界末日世界中拉力賽車的極端外觀,我們發現了幾個輔助燈和一個大型擾流板。

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if you’re honestly happy about who you really are, f**k what other people think. ?: @adam_bornstein

Uma publicação partilhada por Alex C (@alex.choi) a


Unicorn V3(已經是純粹主義者最“討厭”的蘭博基尼之一)的創作靈感來自電影《速度與激情6》和電影中出現的一款綽號為“翻蓋車”的汽車。儘管 Alex Choi 將他描述為準備好拉力賽的蘭博基尼,但事實是他似乎更有能力面對殭屍啟示錄。


但轉型過程並非一切順利。大氣的 V10 似乎不喜歡接受兩個渦輪增壓器,結果是,正如 Alex Choi 在他的 Instagram 上分享的那樣,在前往著名的科切拉音樂節的途中,在發生少量漏油後,高速公路上發生了火災。

儘管遭遇了這種挫折,但根據年輕的 Youtuber 的最新視頻,Unicorn V3 似乎已經恢復並準備好面對更多的公里數,以及對 Alex Choi 構想的項目的更多仇恨。

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I told @sheepeyrace that I want my car to shoot flames. They said, “hold my beer.” I went back to them in a week, and then I see my car doing this. My own car has now become the most retarded vehicle I have ever operated to this date. I sure hope I stay out of jail for the rest of this year. Your phone mic won’t tell you how loud each pop is. If you ever got the chance to shoot a 50 cal, i’m pretty sure this thing is louder. Hats off to you, @sheepeyrace **cars to me aren’t just about having over 1000bhp, or a sub 2 second 0-60, or to break everyone’s neck at the car show. For me, cars are about how much it can make me and my passenger smile the most. No other car has made me smile more and just flat out be happy than this car, and that alone will fulfill the car of my dreams.

Uma publicação partilhada por Alex C (@alex.choi) a
