This kart does just over 1.5 seconds from 0 to 100km/h


No, it's not the first kart to achieve such acceleration – the Guinness record still belongs to Grimsel – but it will be the first to be available for sale.

Developed by the Canadians at Daymak, the C5 Blast – that's how it was called – is a prototype that is still under development. The goal is to make it the fastest kart on the planet, but Aldo Baiocchi, president of the brand, goes even further:

"At a certain point the car could start to float like the S Land Speedertar Wars. Or we could add some wings and it would fly away. We think it's possible to eventually accelerate from 0-100km/h in less than 1 second, and make it the fastest vehicle in history.”

Daymak C5 Blast

One of the secrets to overwhelming performance is the power-to-weight ratio, and that's precisely where Canadian brand Daymak played all the trump cards. According to Jason Roy, Vice President of Daymak, the C5 Blast weighs about 200kg and has a 10,000 watt electric motor, but not only that. As you can see from the images, the C5 Blast is equipped with eight electric turbines (Electric Ducted Fan) that help create upward forces of up to 100 kg, apparently without harming aerodynamics. This entire system is powered by a 2400 Wh lithium-ion battery.

All research and development is taking place in Toronto, where all production will take place. The C5 Blast will go on sale for $59,995 and can only be used on track – of course…

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