Countdown to Car of the Year 2016


The closing period for entries is approaching for another edition of the Essilor Car of the Year/Trophy for the 2016 Crystal Wheel, as well as for the Automobile Trophies, which distinguish the best cars in the competition in each category. Enrollments, which are taking place at a good pace, close on the 1st of October . Since then, the Jury composed of 19 journalists from some of the most important media in our country, including Razão Automóvel, represented by its Editorial Director, Guilherme Costa, will spend the next few months choosing the best car for the Portuguese, evaluating characteristics as diverse as they are important in a purchase decision – design, price, consumption and efficiency, behavior and safety, performance and functionality.

This year's edition of this initiative, organized by Expresso and SIC Notícias, has a series of news that, according to the chairman of the Executive Committee of Car of the Year, Rui Freire, “Aim to improve the quality of voting and generate greater involvement and public recognition, thus translating the importance of an award that aims to provide Portuguese consumers with better information about the cars for sale in our country.”

The choice of the automobile product that best suits the Portuguese socio-economic reality follows a philosophy that seeks to find the most homogeneous and innovative car, capable of offering the consumer benefits in daily use: "For this it is necessary to unveil the intrinsic qualities of each product when compared to its competitors."

Among the novelties in this year's costumes, one stands out. new technical regulation “More in line with the tremendous evolution of the products in the competition and with the new concerns of consumers in matters such as guarantees, or safety equipment, driving assistance and infotainment”, explains Rui Freire.

The 2016 Car of the Year will develop ways to increase public participation: “We will strengthen the communication and dissemination mechanisms for this initiative and promote public participation, either in some tests and actions, or with the creation of a Public Award. To make this participation more dynamic, we have the platforms of Expresso, SIC Notícias and Visão, as well as other media that make up the Jury. Social media will have a fundamental role in this strategy of visibility and involvement.”

In addition to the main prize, awarded to a specific version and not a range, as has been the case so far, the Jury will also choose the best products in each segment , attributing a total of nine Automobile Trophies, one for each category.

The Jury of the Essilor Car of the Year/Trophy Volante de Cristal 2016 is composed of 16 permanent members and three guests, who in this year's edition are: “Auto Sapo”, “Reason Automobile” and “Observer”.

In January 2016 the seven finalists are announced and after a road-show for the final vote, the winners will be announced in the first week of February.

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