Here comes a 100% sustainable biofuel for Formula 1


A true incubator of new solutions for the automotive industry, Formula 1 may be on the verge of bringing us a solution capable of ensuring that internal combustion engines stay alive (and relevant) for some time to come.

With the goal of achieving carbon neutrality in Formula 1 by 2030, the FIA ​​decided to develop a 100% sustainable biofuel.

Although the first barrels of this new fuel have already been delivered to Formula 1 engine manufacturers — Ferrari, Honda, Mercedes-AMG and Renault — for testing, little is known about this biofuel.

Renault Sport V6
Already hybridized, Formula 1 engines should start using sustainable biofuels.

The only information that exists is that this fuel is “exclusively refined using biowaste”, something that does not happen with the high-octane gasoline that is currently used in the premier class of motorsport.

an ambitious goal

The idea behind these first tests is that, after seeing the positive results of these, the oil companies that supply fuel for Formula 1 develop similar biofuels.

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To accelerate the use of biofuels in Formula 1, starting next season all teams will have to use fuels that incorporate 10% biofuel.

About this measure, Jean Todt, president of the FIA, said: "The FIA ​​assumes the responsibility to lead motorsport and mobility towards a low carbon future to reduce the environmental impacts of our activity and contribute to a greener planet".

Formula 1
By 2030 Formula 1 should reach carbon neutrality.

Furthermore, the former leader of teams like Peugeot Sport or Ferrari stated: “By developing a sustainable fuel made from bio-waste for F1 we ​​are taking a step forward. With the support of the world's leading companies in the field of energy, we can combine the best technological and environmental performance”.

Is this the solution to keeping combustion engines alive? Will Formula 1 make its debut solutions that can then be applied to the cars we drive? Leave us your opinion in the comments.

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