Hyundai Nexus. Fuel cell SUV with 600 km range


After the Tucson FCV, the first hydrogen fuel cell model marketed by the South Korean brand, although only in a few markets, Hyundai has just officially unveiled the successor of this zero SUV at the CES in Las Vegas, USA. emissions. Called Hyundai Nexo, the new model should go on sale later this year, with an announced range of 595 kilometers — and no emission drops!

Hyundai Nexus FCV 2018

Moreover, regarding this new model, which is part of a product offensive designed by Hyundai, which provides for the launch of 18 new environmentally-friendly models by 2025, it is important to highlight the fact that it will not only guarantee greener mobility, but also a series of technological solutions that did not exist in the predecessor.

Hyundai Nexo with multiple premieres

Among the innovations in terms of technology and driving assistance, there is, for example, a new blind spot warning system, which uses not only sensors but also exterior cameras. The latter, responsible for capturing the images that are then projected on a screen placed in the center console.

Hyundai Nexus FCV 2018

Also part of the equipment, the absolute novelty Lane Following Assist, a system that, according to the manufacturer, aims to ensure, in an autonomous and automatic way, that the Nexus is always kept in the center of the carriageway it follows. This, at the same time as another novelty, the Highway Driving Assist, uses sensors and data from the navigation system to automatically adjust the vehicle's speed, depending on the type of road on which it travels.

Hyundai Nexus FCV 2018

Also making its debut in this new fuel cell SUV is the Remote Smart Parking Assist, a system that allows the driver to remotely park or remove the vehicle from a parking lot. Something about which Hyundai does not, unfortunately and at least for now, give much explanation, only assuring that the drivers of the Hyundai Nexo “will be able to park with complete confidence and precision”.

New architecture, new propulsion system… and 600 km of autonomy

In technical terms, the Hyundai Nexo is built based on a new architecture, lighter and ensuring better habitability than the one used in its predecessor. In addition to featuring a more advanced hydrogen fuel cell and battery system, as well as a lighter and more compact propeller.

Hyundai Nexus FCV 2018

Thanks also to this new propulsion system, the Hyundai Nexo announces a maximum power of 163 hp and 394 Nm of torque, which allow it to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 9.5 seconds, that is, in less than three seconds than the Tucson FCV. With the new model also guaranteeing an increase of 169 kilometers in autonomy, compared to the predecessor, starting to announce a total of 595 kilometers, with a single hydrogen tank.

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