The best in the segment? New Audi A3 Sportback S Line 30 TDI tested


It doesn't always happen, but when it does, it's good that we have the right car for the occasion. That's what happened during the time I had the new Audi A3 Sportback , here on the “flavor” S Line 30 TDI, which coincided with the need to travel 600 km on the same day.

There can be no better test for ascertaining the vices and virtues of an automobile than a long journey. And more, with capacity (almost) sold out...

Many hours at the wheel and hundreds of kilometers later — spread over a motorway, expressways and, above all, many national roads (EN) — did the A3 rise to the occasion?

Audi A3 Sportback S Line 30 TDI

At first I had some doubts

After all, not only was the car loaded (with people and some luggage) and the 30 TDI that it sports in the rear translates into “only” 116 hp extracted from the 2.0 TDI; like being an S Line, the ground clearance is 15mm less and the seats were sporty type — they don't seem like the best ingredients for dealing with long driving times or roads that have seen better days at first.

It didn't take long to realize that the fears were unfounded. The Audi A3 Sportback S Line 30 TDI turned out to be a natural rider, very well adapted to this type of use.

Audi A3 Sportback S Line 30 TDI
With the S Line we also have a more aggressive styling front, perhaps too aggressive… After all it is a 116 hp 2.0 TDI, not a 310 hp 2.0 TFSI, as in the new S3.

2.0 TDI continues to convince

Let's start with the engine. It's the second time I deal with the new 2.0 TDI, which in this 116 hp version takes the place of the previous 1.6 TDI. The first was with the “cousin”, and also new, Volkswagen Golf that I tested not long ago.

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At Golf, the engine was fully convinced. As I mentioned at that time, the cubic centimeters more than 2000 compared to 1600 guarantee you an availability superior to any regime. I didn't have a chance to ride loaded on the Golf, but on the A3, with four aboard, fears of the 2.0 TDI being “short” didn't materialize — 300 Nm of torque is always “fat” at 1600 rpm — and once again , convinced me of its merits.

2.0 TDI engine

With only 116 hp we won't win any races, that's for sure, but even in this context — full car and long journey — the 2.0 TDI proved more than adequate and adequate for the task.

The best of everything? Consumptions. Even not taking great care in the type of driving adopted during this trip — there were several moments with the right pedal being “crushed” —, these were between 4.3 l/100 km and 4.8 l/100 km.

Otherwise, consumption is identical to the ones I got on the Golf: less than four liters at moderate and stabilized speeds, rubbing against the five liters on the highway, only going up to more than six in urban or aggressive driving.

S Line, a good compromise?

When I saw the small S Line emblem on the side of the Audi A3, I assumed that on poorer roads, firmer damping and reduced ground clearance resulted in discomfort. Fortunately, it was nothing like that...

Audi A3 Sportback S Line 30 TDI

In fact, the compromise between comfort and behavior was one of the aspects that most surprised positively. Yes, sometimes the damping feels dry in some irregularities, but the S Line is still comfortable — no one on board complained about the lack of comfort…

As I mentioned before, this S Line had sport seats, an item included in the optional S Line Interior Package. And if there's an option that wouldn't do without the practically 13 thousand euros of options — yes, you read well… almost 13 thousand euros of options (!) — it would be this package, simply because it includes these very good banks.

S Line sport seats
After 600 km, the driver's seat became my favorite item on the A3.

Not only do they look good, which lives up to the epithet of “sports”, but they effectively hold the body and are covered with a material that is very pleasant to the touch. And still manage the feat of being comfortable, proof of long journeys.

More qualities of a roadster

The road-going qualities of the Audi A3 Sportback S Line 30 TDI are not limited to the competent engine and good comfort. Living up to the brand's reputation, we have very good insulation and refinement on board. Even on the highway at high speeds, you don't need to raise your voice; mechanical, aerodynamic and rolling noises are always contained — one of the best in the class.

The solid-mount interior we've come across also contributes to that — one of the best in the class. A level above what we can find in the Class A arch-rivals and in line with Serie 1, the other member of the “usual German trio”.

Audi A3 2020 Dashboard
The predecessor had a simpler and more elegant interior. The ventilation outlets for the driver are well positioned from a practical point of view, but their visual integration as a whole leaves a lot to be desired, not contributing to the overall pleasantness of the design.

Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of the interior that graces the fourth-generation Audi A3 — the previous one had more… class — but it's curious that, unlike the Golf, with which the A3 shares so much, Audi has chosen for not “immersing” so much in its digitization and suppression of buttons, distancing itself from the more refined look of the Golf or futuristic of the Class A.

The most common functions use buttons or switches and the truth is… it works better. You don't have to take your eyes off the road so much or for so long, and with habit, you no longer have to look at all to access some features. There is still room to improve interaction in some aspects — see the gallery below:

Audio control button

The sound volume can be regulated by controls on the steering wheel or by this new tactile control, where we make circular movements with the finger on its surface to raise/lower the sound. However, the remote is "hidden" by the box's handle, and it's too far away — is it just for the passenger to use?

the king of the highway

Finally, if there's one feature that stands out in the Audi A3's arsenal of roadside qualities, it's its seemingly unflappable stability. It's a dynamic trait that it shares with the Golf and continues to amaze on the A3 — surprising because it's something we usually only find one or two segments above...

The best in the segment? New Audi A3 Sportback S Line 30 TDI tested 944_8

And the faster, the more stable and serene the A3 seems to get, however unreasonable it may sound. For those who spend their lives on the highway, I still haven't found anything better in the segment to travel on — super-stable and very well soundproofed, it's the ideal partner.

So much stability is also reflected in corners, in faster driving. The behavior of the Audi A3 Sportback is characterized by being very effective, predictable and safe, with high levels of grip, even when the aids are turned off (traction and stability control) and even when provoked. It is by no means the most fun car to drive or explore, but its high competence is not quite… boring.

Manual cash handle
Manual box does not clash with this 30 TDI. Its feel is positively mechanical and a little lighter than the one found on the Golf with the same engine, the scaling is well-adjusted to the engine, and only a slightly smaller knob is appreciated — it seems to have been designed for basketball players' hands.

Despite sharing so much with the Golf I've tested — including the same engine and gearbox (manual) combination — all controls feel a little lighter and more pleasant to use, always very accurate, which contributes to a smooth experience. driving more… smoother.

Is the car right for me?

After nearly 600 km covered by the most varied roads and the most varied paces, reaching the end of this long day, without any great signs of fatigue and without body complaints, says a lot about the quality of the Audi A3 Sportback as a partner for long journeys.

Even though it is not the model that offers the most space in the segment — the dimensions are identical to the predecessor, one of the aspects in which it has not evolved —, it is enough to guarantee many comfortable kilometers for the rear occupants — as long as there are two and not three (the central passenger is hampered in space and comfort).

Audi A3 Sportback S Line 30 TDI

We are very well installed at the front, whether by the seats or by the very good driving position.

As I mentioned in the Golf test, the choice for the 2.0 TDI only really makes sense if you are going to cover many kilometers — the difference of practically 4000 euros for the 30 TFSI, petrol with 110 hp, gives a lot of petrol.

And speaking of euros…

As the Audi A3 Sportback is considered a premium, one would expect a high price. In the case of this S Line, the price starts at 35 thousand euros, far from being affordable, but in the “best tradition” premium, we still have extras… practically 13 thousand euros in extras, which pushes the price of this Audi A3 beyond reasonable , getting very close to 48 thousand euros!

Bank with electrical regulation

The driver's seat was electrically adjustable, plus an optional one. Both front seats are heated, another optional.

Do we need all the many options it brings? Hardly… And even so, I detected gaps in the equipment brought: the mirrors are electric, but they don't bounce; and although there are vents at the back, there isn't a USB port that was missed while traveling.

Audi A3 Sportback S Line 30 TDI

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