After all, the Audi TT won't be a four-door “coupé”…


A family of models for the Audi TT was a possibility previously studied by the German brand, which even included a four-door TT, a proposal of which we even know a concept, the TT Sportback, shown at the Paris Motor Show in 2014.

In view of these studies, rumors arose, also replicated by us, that the next generation of the model would assume itself as a four-door "coupé" abandoning the coupé and roadster bodies that made the TT a…TT, due, essentially, to the commercial performance in this niche that has not been famous.

However these rumors have now been disproved by Audi itself. Apparently the German brand is not planning to turn the TT into a more familiar alternative and the future should even pass through the traditional coupé and roadster versions.

Audi TT
After all, the Audi TT Sportback will remain a prototype.

Transforming an icon is not easy

The end of the rumors was put by Audi communication director Peter Oberndorfer. Although there were plans to extend the TT range, as Oberndorfer said, “We really had the idea of ​​a TT 'family' (…) but currently it's no longer a goal” this project was eventually abandoned.

I think the Audi TT is an icon, and turning it into a family car is quite difficult"

Peter Oberndorfer, Audi Communication Director

According to Oberndorfer, the plans to create a four-door TT “coupé” fell apart because “we have to increasingly concentrate efforts, as we have to make gasoline and diesel engines on the one hand and on the other hand we have to focusing on electrification (…) we have to think about what we can do and what we can afford. So we are quite happy with a TT just now.”

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Oberndorfer's statements came some time after AutoExpress reported that the design for a four-door TT had been given the green light. As such, it seems that the next generation Audi TT will remain faithful to the coupé and roadster bodyworks rather than falling into the temptation of adopting a more familiar shape.

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