I-Unicorn V3. Le Lamborghini Huracán ayifani nezinye…


Sivame ukuzwa inkulumo edumile ethi "isibhakabhaka singumkhawulo". Kodwa-ke, emhlabeni wokuguqulwa kwezimoto, iqiniso liwukuthi umkhawulo omkhulu ngokuvamile akusona isibhakabhaka, kodwa ... isikhwama semali. Ubufakazi balokho yilokhu I-Lamborghini Huracán , okubonisa ukuthi kwenzekani lapho umnikazi osemusha engenakho isabelomali esilinganiselwe sokumguqula.

Idalwe ngu-Youtuber u-Alex Choi oneminyaka engu-19 ubudala, lo Huracán, manje oseqokwe njenge-Unicorn V3, ushiye ngemuva izingubo zemoto "yejwayelekile" yezemidlalo esezingeni eliphezulu ukuze abe ikhandidethi eliphambili lemoto esemthethweni ka-Max Rockatansky odumile, wakwaMad Max. saga.

Okugqamile? I-roll cage igibele… ingaphandle(!) ye-Huracán, njengokungathi i-exoskeleton. Ayizange ime ngengaphandle eligqamile, i-5.2 l V10 efunwa ngokwemvelo ne-610 hp yengezwe nama-turbos amabili. Ukuqedela ukubukeka okwedlulele kwemoto ye-rally emhlabeni we-post-apocalyptic, sithola amalambu asizayo amaningana kanye ne-spoiler enkulu.

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if you’re honestly happy about who you really are, f**k what other people think. ?: @adam_bornstein

Uma publicação partilhada por Alex C (@alex.choi) a

Ugqozi? Ifilimu ethi Fast and Furious 6

Ugqozi ngemuva kokudalwa kwe-Unicorn V3 (esevele ingenye ye-Lamborghini "ezondwa" kakhulu ngabahlanzayo) ivela ku-movie ethi Fast and Furious 6 kanye nemoto evela ku-movie ebizwa ngokuthi "Flip Car". Nakuba u-Alex Choi emethula njengeLamborghini elungele umhlangano, iqiniso liwukuthi ubonakala ekwazi ukubhekana ne-apocalypse ye-zombie.

Bhalisela iphephandaba lethu

Kodwa akuhambanga kahle ngenqubo yoguquko. I-V10 yasemkhathini ibonakala ingathandi ukuthola ama-turbos amabili futhi umphumela waba, njengoba u-Alex Choi abelana nge-Instagram yakhe, umlilo emgwaqweni omkhulu osendleleni eya emkhosini odumile we-Coachella ngemva kokuvuza okuncane kwamafutha.

Naphezu kwalokhu kuphazamiseka, ngokwamavidiyo akamuva ka-Youtuber osemusha, kubonakala sengathi i-Unicorn V3 isivele itholakele futhi isilungele ukubhekana namakhilomitha amaningi futhi… abanye abazonda kakhulu iphrojekthi eqanjwe u-Alex Choi.

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I told @sheepeyrace that I want my car to shoot flames. They said, “hold my beer.” I went back to them in a week, and then I see my car doing this. My own car has now become the most retarded vehicle I have ever operated to this date. I sure hope I stay out of jail for the rest of this year. Your phone mic won’t tell you how loud each pop is. If you ever got the chance to shoot a 50 cal, i’m pretty sure this thing is louder. Hats off to you, @sheepeyrace **cars to me aren’t just about having over 1000bhp, or a sub 2 second 0-60, or to break everyone’s neck at the car show. For me, cars are about how much it can make me and my passenger smile the most. No other car has made me smile more and just flat out be happy than this car, and that alone will fulfill the car of my dreams.

Uma publicação partilhada por Alex C (@alex.choi) a

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