Today marks the European No Road Deaths Day


The date was celebrated with a conference promoted by TISPOL (European Network of Traffic Police), represented in our country by the GNR.

Minimize deaths on Portuguese roads. This is the main objective outlined by the authorities responsible for road safety in Portugal. For Prof. João Queiroz, president of Associação Estrada Mais Segura, any improvement in statistical terms also involves awareness, awareness that “will have to come from each one of us”.

According to ANSR (National Road Safety Association), the number of fatal accidents in Portugal has been decreasing in recent years, as a result of the strategy approved in 2008 and which was in force until the end of last year. In 2016 (between 1 January and 15 September), accidents on Portuguese roads caused 305 deaths, 22 fewer than in the same period in 2015. Despite the Lisbon district having the most deaths recorded in the last year, Estrada Nacional 125, in the Algarve, is the most dangerous route in the country, with four black spots in a total of 28 across the country.

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The conference, organized by TISPOL in collaboration with ANCIA (National Association of Automobile Inspection Centers) and the Associação Estrada Mais Segura, brought together police, road safety professionals and politicians involved in the field of safety and transport to debate the main causes accidents in Portugal, including alcohol consumption and distractions at the wheel caused, for example, by mobile phones.

Although recent data are positive, Jorge Jacob, president of ANSR, warns that "the accident rate has been on the rise", and that is why we must continue to invest in road safety policies. The European No Road Deaths Day takes place during Mobility Week (September 16-22).

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