Changes to the highway code: what changes in 2014


Changes to the highway code: as of January 1, 2014, the changes to the highway code will take effect

of more than 60 changes this is the first change you will experience if the police stop your car: you will have to present the usual documents but there is a new rule, it becomes mandatory presentation of taxpayer card if the driver does not yet have a Citizen's Card, risking a fine of 30 euros.

Changes to the highway code: driving at roundabouts

One of the most important changes to the highway code is in the driving at roundabouts , which becomes regulated. For example, drivers who use the right lane without the intention of exiting on the first two exits, are subject to a fine of 60 to 300 euros.

Changes to the highway code: mobile phones

THE cell phone and headset use was subject to change as well. Only devices with a single earphone will be allowed, that is, if before you could use double earphones, as long as you used one ear, now these devices are expressly prohibited when you are driving.

Changes to the highway code: alcohol levels

The renewed Highway Code "moves" also in the alcohol rates , something we applaud at Ledger Automobile. The limit for professional drivers, drivers of emergency vehicles, taxi drivers and new hires (less than three years of license) will be 0.2 g/l instead of the current 0.5 g/l.

Changes to the highway code: speed limits

THE speed limit within residential zones it has also been revised and is one of the changes to the highway code. In collaboration with the local authorities, the new 20 km/h limit will be marked with a new vertical sign, yet to be drawn. The biggest change is the permission for children, the elderly, pregnant women, the disabled and bicycle riders to use the entire width of the public road.

Changes to the highway code: cyclists

You cyclists they now have new rights. Special crossings will be created for cycles, where drivers will be required to give way. Bicycles can travel on the road, but to safeguard the progress of other vehicles, they will be forced to travel on the right side of the lane. Cyclists are required to comply with rules such as not riding when there is a large flow of traffic or on roads with reduced visibility. The circulation of more than two bicycles in parallel is not allowed, in situations of possible danger or constraint to traffic.

Changes to the highway code: baby seats

At baby chairs were also subject to adjustments, today children up to 12 years old or less than 1'50 meters tall were required to use restraint systems. From now on, the height will be reduced to 1’35 meters, maintaining the age.

Changes to the highway code: fine payment regime

One of the new changes is the fine payment scheme , since it becomes mandatory at the time of an assessment, that the driver is informed that he can pay the fine in instalments, provided that the amount exceeds 200 euros. This payment can also be made in monthly installments not less than 50 euros for a maximum period of 12 months.

Changes to the highway code: circulation

• Prison security vehicles are now part of the "transit of vehicles in an emergency service"

• Cycles are now able to transport passengers and use alternative energies

• Segways similar to velocipedes

Changes to the highway code: license

• Exclusion of categories AM and A1 from the probationary regime

• Revalidation of a driver's license expired for more than 2 years requires a special examination, except in categories AM, A1, A2, A, B1, B and BE, if their holders have not completed 50 years

• Driving license cancellation

• In exchanges of foreign driving licenses, only the categories obtained are registered

by examination or by extension of another vehicle category.

Changes to the highway code: model of driving license

•New expiration dates

These are some of the changes to the highway code that come into force on January 1, 2014. We advise you to consult the document made available by the IMTT where you can find all the changes and also consult the Decree-Law.

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