A modern-day Lancia Delta? Could be like that


Currently limited to just one market (the Italian) and one model (the little Ypsilon) the Lancia continues to be cherished by many automotive fans who are eager for its resurgence and fondly remember its models, especially the Lancia Delta, which so much conquered in rallies all over the world.

One of these fans seems to be Italian Sebastiano Ciarcia who says: “For me, Delta has always been an icon, a kind of irreplaceable Holy Grail”. Now, dissatisfied with Lancia's current situation, Ciarcia decided to apply his knowledge to imagine what a modern-day Delta would be like.

According to the Italian on his Instagram account, long hours watching videos of the late Grupo B on Youtube (who has never done it?) brought him the inspiration to venture into the creation of a modern variant of the iconic model.


Inspired by the competition, of course

As you would expect, the inspiration came from the first generation Lancia Delta, not only the road models, but also the iconic “monster” Delta S4 that in the 1980s delighted rally fans all over the world.

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According to Sebastiano Ciarcia, the end result aims to be “a modern interpretation of the car without being too nostalgic or retro (...) assuming an evolution of the previous design that emphasizes all the main lines and DNA to bring the original character back to the vehicle. ”.

Leaving aside its author's explanations for a few moments, the truth is that this DELTA (that's how Ciarcia called the project) doesn't hide the inspiration in the Delta and, especially, in the Delta S4, something that becomes evident in the rear section and on the pronounced rear fenders.


Sebastiano Ciarcia

According to the Italian designer, in the mechanical chapter, his DELTA would use a hybrid engine that would ensure all-wheel drive. Another “wink of an eye” to the Delta S4 is the fact that the engine appears in a central rear position, which can be observed through the rear window.

Although this DELTA is a long way from making it to production — it's no more than a 3D model — we leave you with a question: would you like the Lancia Delta to be reborn, or do you think it should stay in the history books? Leave us your opinion in the comments.

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