Tesla tests at the Nürburgring end on a trailer (with video)


No more testing at the Nürburgring for at least one of the Tesla Model S Plaid prototypes. After a week of intensive tests on the mythical German track, one of the prototypes said "enough is enough".

A situation that, despite being uncomfortable, is something relatively common, especially during the development phase of a new model. Remember that underneath the appearance of a conventional Tesla Model S, Tesla's new electric motors actually hide.

This “red” Tesla Model S is believed to be the most radical version the brand has taken to the Nürburgring — the only one capable of a lap around 7:20 seconds. Unlike other prototypes, this is the one that allegedly has a completely bare interior, high-performance tires and suspensions, and ceramic brakes.

Tesla Model S Plaid

According to Tesla, the Model S Plaid will return to the Nürburgring in a month for new tests, where it will try to lower the reference time even further. Objective? 7:05.

Despite the inglorious end, can we consider this Tesla Model S «mission accomplished»? Leave us your opinion in the comments box.

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