Polestar wants to create the first carbon-zero car by 2030


Polestar wants to build the first “truly climate-neutral” car by 2030, in a project called Polestar 0 and which was presented in the company's first annual report.

The Swedish manufacturer — formerly Volvo's sports division — highlights the concerns of experts who say carbon offsetting by planting trees is unsustainable in the long term, as forests can be devastated by human or natural intervention.

According to Thomas Ingenlath, general director of Polestar, "compensating is a possible way out", but something more needs to be done.


As we strive to create a completely climate-neutral car, we are forced to go beyond what is possible today. We have to question everything, innovate and look at exponential technologies as we move towards zero.

Thomas Ingenlath, General Director of Polestar

Polestar has not yet revealed how it intends to achieve this goal, but it has already made it known that the Polestar 0 project will have a tremendous impact on the way its cars will be built.

“We're electric, we don't need to worry about combustion engines that produce toxic emissions — but that doesn't mean our job is done”, reveals Fredrika Klarén, Polestar's head of sustainability.

We will work to eliminate all emissions from production. This is a historic and exciting time for car manufacturers, an opportunity to seize the moment, do better and dare to build the dream of climate-neutral and beautiful cars.

Fredrika Klarén, responsible for sustainability at Polestar

Polestar guarantees that it has already started putting this project into practice, with environmental goals that are part of the employees' bonus plan, and that it will publish “sustainability statements” similar to those of the food and fashion industries.

Polestar 1
Polestar 1, the builder's only hybrid

The Polestar 2 will be the brand's first car to incorporate this declaration, thus making clear the carbon footprint generated in its production, as well as the materials used.

Consumers are a huge driving force in the shift to a sustainable economy. They need to be given the right tools to make informed and ethical decisions. This makes things very clear.

Thomas Ingenlath, General Director of Polestar

As for the future, Polestar's “boss” has no doubts that Polestar 0 is the way forward: “Today, Polestar 2 leaves the factory gates with a carbon footprint. In 2030, we want to introduce a car that doesn't.”

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