Germany surpasses Norway. Germans are already the biggest buyers of electrics


The news is advanced by news agency Bloomberg, at a time when most German car manufacturers are starting to develop new proposals for electric and electrified vehicles, many of them with the stated purpose of fighting rivals like Tesla.

According to data now released by the European Automobile Industry Association (ACEA), sales of electrified vehicles in Germany grew by 70 percent — totaling 17,574 units — during the first quarter alone. Positioning itself, for the first time, in absolute terms, ahead of what is the market par excellence for electric-powered vehicles on the Old Continent: Norway. Market where, in the first three months of 2018, 16,182 electric cars were traded.

Remember that the German Government has an incentive program for the purchase of electric and electrified vehicles, under which any private customer can benefit from a discount of 4000 euros on the purchase of an electric vehicle, or 3000 euros , if it is a plug-in hybrid car.

BMW i3s
The BMW i3 is one of the best selling electric vehicles in Germany

In Norway, until January of this year, electric vehicles were exempt from all fees and taxes at the time of purchase, from the annual circulation fee, from payment for parking and tolls, in addition to being authorized to circulate in the public transport lane. . Since that date, they started to pay half of the road tax, in addition to having been assigned to the local authorities the decision to allow, or not, electric vehicles to continue parking for free and circulating in the BUS lane.

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Europe follows trend

At a time when European consumers seem to start abandoning Diesel, also in other European countries, electric mobility has been gaining adherents. This situation is confirmed, by the way, by the numbers, which reveal a 41% growth in the sale of electrified vehicles in the first quarter of 2018, while the pure electric rose 35%, and the plug-in hybrids 47% — already the Diesel , fell 17%.

2018 diesel ban
After the Golden Age, Diesel continues to fall in Europe

German brands dominate at home

However, in German cities such as Munich, electric models from German brands such as Volkswagen, Mercedes, BMW and Audi dominate. Although, with builders so far with little expression, such as Tesla, having gained, in recent times, greater prominence.

However, the problems recently reported, related to the Tesla Model 3, could contribute to the former conquering precious ground, in the domain of electric mobility.

Tesla Model 3
Marked by successive problems, the Model 3 could pave the way for the overtaking of Tesla by traditional builders

Tesla's Golden Age is drawing to a close, making its products just one of many. As the offer in terms of electric vehicles grows, consumers' tolerance for quality issues tends to decrease. As among those who initially opted for a Tesla, as a matter of novelty

Juergen Pieper, analyst at Bankhaus Metzler

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