Honda Civic Type R: Stop spoiling the myth!


The Japanese brand has, in recent years, done a little of everything to put out the flame of the mythical Civic Type R. The bad news is that they have partially succeeded… and maybe it will get worse.

Contemplating the design of the last two generations of the Honda Civic may upset some of the most ardent supporters of the Japanese model. And if Honda fans have so far forgiven the brand for some of the heartbreak it has caused them, patience could run out with the launch of the new generation Type R.

Are you seated? Well then, hold on to the chair. According to the rumors that circulate, the non-consensual design was not enough, the new Civic Type R will not be atmospheric either. Yeah, forget about the engine avid for revs, which made any mortal get out of bed in the middle of the night to go to the garage to start the car, accelerate two or three times to the red-line and then yes, sleep rested and fulfilled.

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This is what made the Civic Type R the dream machine it once was. That engine full of "cravings" for high revs, the simplicity of the components and the lightness of the whole set. Now it manages to be nothing like that… for the most fundamentalist defenders of the original concept, the version that ceases to function looks like a catalog of futility. Only one toaster is missing from the list of options, and even so, check out the options catalog…

Do I look a little indignant? So it's because I am. We are not talking about any model, we are talking about the model that eventually contributed the most to the democratization of driving pleasure. Go to the south bank and confirm, reliable and simple cars that have been the delights of the petizada which starts with the activities of the track-days.

Unfortunately it is a legacy that is being called into question. As for the conventional versions of the Civic, I don't comment. Aside from the design, which is always subjective, it is everything you can expect from a Honda: reliability, quality and safety. But as for the Type R version… it's good that I'm wrong and that the next Type R is more than that, it's a machine! I hope so.

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Honda Civic Type R: Stop spoiling the myth! 22132_3

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