118 million euros. This is the amount that Tesla was ordered to pay for racism


A court in California (United States of America) ordered Tesla to pay compensation of 137 million dollars (approximately 118 million euros) to an African-American who was a victim of racism inside the company's premises.

The accusations of racism date back to 2015 and 2016, when the man in question, Owen Díaz, worked at Tesla's factory in Fremont, California.

During this period, and according to court documents, this African American suffered racist insults and “lived” in a hostile work environment.

Tesla Fremont

In court, Díaz claimed that black workers at the factory, where his son also worked, were subject to constant racist insults and nicknames. In addition, the official guarantees that complaints were made to management and that Tesla did not act to end them.

For all this, a jury in the San Francisco federal court has ruled that the US company will have to pay $137 million (about 118 million euros) to Owen Díaz for punitive damages and emotional distress.

To The New York Times, Owen Díaz said he was relieved by this outcome: “It took four long years to reach this point. It's as if a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders.”

Larry Organ, attorney for Owen Díaz, told The Washington Post: “It's a sum that can get the attention of American business. Do not carry out racist conduct and do not allow it to continue”.

Tesla's answer

Following this announcement, Tesla reacted to the ruling and released an article — signed by Valerie Workamn, the company's vice president of human resources — in which it clarifies that “Owen Díaz never worked for Tesla” and that he “was a subcontractor who worked for Citistaff”.

In the same article, Tesla reveals that Owen Díaz's complaint led to the dismissal of two subcontractors and the suspension of another, a decision that Tesla claims left Owen Díaz “very satisfied”.

However, in the same note posted on the company's website, it can be read that Tesla has already hired teams to ensure that employee complaints are investigated.

“We recognized that in 2015 and 2016 we were not perfect. We remain without being. Since then, Tesla has created an Employee Relations team dedicated to investigating employee complaints. Tesla has also created a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team, dedicated to ensuring that employees have equal opportunities to stand out at Tesla”, it reads.

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